Nursery Stock Transplanter
525 Bed Transplanter
The Mechanical Transplanter 525 is an excellent close spacing bed transplanter that works well in any soil condition. Even in previously unplantable conditions, our exclusive Float Wheel Direct Drive system provides positive plant spacing without wheel slippage.
- Plant spacing as close as 2-1/2" in the row
- Plants 6 rows as close as 9" apart between rows
- Twin hydraulic cylinders with equalizer for even lifting
- Heavy duty tubular framework
- Optional double disc shoe cuts trash left in the beds
550 Bed Planter
The Mechanical Transplanter 550L is designed to plant taller seedling with close spacing. This bed planter also features our direct drive system for positive plant spacing with no wheel slippage. Each planting unit has a large diameter center disc to hold taller seedlings with up to an 18" top and a deep 10" suction point shoe.
- Plant spacing from 3 1/2" and up in the row
- Plants 5 rows as close as 11" apart between rows
- Twin hydraulic cylinders with equalizer for even lifting
- Heavy duty tubular framework
580 Bed Planter Unit
The Mechanical Transplanter 580 is similar to our Model 550LU, but with a much larger pocket and a wider 3" shoe. This unit is designed to handle a broader rooted plant, such as daylilies. The Model 580 can be used as a single row or a multi-row system on a toolbar with rows as close as 22" apart. The Model 580 utilizes our positive spacing float wheel drive front hitch, which also prepares the soil in front of each unit.
- Large diameter disc with our large V-3 style pockets for large balky plants with up to 18" tops and 7" deep root systems
- Deep 10" suction point shoe that is 3" wide inside
- Plant spacing from 5 1/2" and up in the row
- Row spacing as close as 22" on the same toolbar
- Plants 5 rows as close as 11" apart between rows when mounted in bed planter frame
- Our "Direct Drive" float wheel drive system
3 Row 580 Bed Planter
1980 Nursery Transplanter
The Mechanical Transplanter Model 1980 is one of the best units available for planting small to mid-sized nursery seedlings. The 1980 plants at ground speed for ideal plant placement. The large coulter, 4" by 12" shoe, and covering disc all work the soil for optimum plant placement. This allows for no J-rooting.
- The direct drive, provided by two non-directional tires, gives evenly spaced, straight plant lines without wheel slippage
- The large plant boxes, with an easy to use baffle, pulls the plants to the operator when needed
Model 2000 Transplanter
The 2000 is by far the largest of all the Mechanical Transplanters. Being a 1/3 larger than most units, the 2000 is able to handle 4 to 5 year old Taxus and tree whips up to 5 feet in height. The pockets, driven by front non-direction tires, move at ground speed inside the long shoe which gives the roots time to spread out before they are firmly packed in place.
- Large neoprene pockets that will hold any size plant
- Huge plant boxes have conveyor belt driven by simple foot action