Contact Us

Fill Out Form Below
or send directly to:
Phone # 616-396-8738
Fax # 616-396-3619
By Mail: 1150 Central Avenue, Holland, MI 49423
Please be sure to include your name, or company name and an address when requesting further information to be sent to you.
If you do not know which Mechanical Transplanter will do the best job for you, answer these question in your e-mail and we will send the information that will fit your application.
- What crop will you be transplanting?
- Will you be transplanting bare root plants, cells or peat pots?
- What is the size of the plants (height, thickness of the stalk)?
- If cell type, give cell dimensions (L x W x H) and are the cells tapered?
- Are you planting through plastic mulch?
- Are you planting on beds? What is the height and how many rows on each beds?
- What is the desired spacing between plants in a row?
- What is the spacing between rows you wish to achieve?
- Do you want to apply water or fertilizer when you transplant?